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Радио Канады

2 507 04:49 30.09.2009
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В пятницу по радио была вот эта передача, что думаетет?

Столько ненависти в адрес России ..и это по радио Канады




Это кусок из передачи

When will Russia come down? I’m not giving dates, and I hope you’ll understand that. This is a place where very fine men who study prophecy differ. On my desk I have books that give six different interpretations as to time, and they’re all written by men for whom I have great respect. But God has identified it far enough that I think you can see certain things. Let me just point to one or two.
We are told in Ezekiel 38:8,
After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land.…
Then in 38:16,
And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days.…
Repeated again and again are the ―latter days‖ or the ―latter years‖ or the ―last days‖ or the ―time of the end,‖ as Daniel uses it. These are technical terms that relate to God’s purposes with the nation Israel.
Now when you come to the New Testament you will find that ―in the last days‖ is referring to the last days of the church, right before the Lord takes the church out of the world.
But the last days for the nation Israel begin with the ―great day of the Lord,‖ which, according to Joel’s prophecy, is nigh. It is the Great Tribulation Period that is yet in the future. We are told that during that period Russia will come down against Israel. Many of us believe that Russia and her allies will come down in the middle of the seven–year Tribulation period. It would seem, as Daniel divides it and as John in the Revelation divides it, that something triggers the Great Tribulation Period. In the first half of it, when Antichrist appears, he appears as a prince of peace. I’m confident he presents himself as the Messiah. The nation Israel will receive him as such. But they will find out they have been deceived the minute he runs an idol into the temple. However, at first they apparently will go after him, as will the other nations of the world.
We are told that the entire world is going to worship the Antichrist. Why? Because he’s going to bring peace. We have spent billions of dollars in our efforts to bring peace to this world. The nations of the world want peace at any price. There are many people who are willing to surrender to anyone in order to have peace, because they feel that nuclear war is something that would be frightful beyond words. And it would be.
Therefore when Antichrist appears (there’s a vacuum being created right now for his appearance) and promises peace and produces peace, the world will go after him. And if that man appeared today in Western Europe, for that is where he will first appear, they will not ask whether he came from heaven or hell. They won’t care where he comes from if he will just bring peace.
So the first half of the Tribulation, a period of three and a half years, I think will be a time of false peace by the Antichrist. They are going to have a real summit conference in that day. The
Antichrist will be there, and whoever is ruling Russia at that time will participate. The first one to break the peace treaty will be Russia because in the middle of the Great Tribulation there begins the war of Armageddon, a campaign of three and a half years. It will be Russia that first comes down against little Israel. At that time I believe that Russia will catch the world off balance, because she has made the world believe that she is interested in peace. There will be no hope of Israel’s survival, but God will intervene with some great convulsion of nature when judgment comes down upon this invading horde.
Now that’s the beginning of Armageddon—not the battle of Armageddon—you think of a battle being fought in a day or two, maybe a week or two; nowhere in the Bible is it called the battle of Armageddon. It is a campaign. It is the war of Armageddon. And it apparently lasts for the final part of the Great Tribulation Period. It appears that Russia must go down in defeat in order for Antichrist to become a world ruler. And Antichrist will become a world ruler. The thirteenth chapter of Revelation makes it clear that the entire world is to worship him and go after him.
Russia, therefore, must go down against Israel. How will they go down? Well, God makes it very clear how He intends to manipulate them. Notice this:
And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from the north parts, and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel. (Ezekiel 39:2)
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Сообщений: 16409
04:55 30.09.2009
У этого \"доктора\" Магии столько ненависти к России, ...утверждать такие вещи нормальный человек не может, Дьявол да! ...берет слова из Библии и на свой лад преподносит от имени господа Бога, ну Дьявол во плоти!

Зачем канада выкопала ЭТО старьё и промывает мозги канадцам, это низко и подло! да еще от имени господа бога, у этого радио есть еще и русский и украинский разделы


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Сообщений: 35450
05:01 30.09.2009
К сожалению,не настолько хорошо владею английским!
Одно могу сказать-мне не нравяться ихние проповедники!Нет в них доброты!Одни угрозы кары небесной!Хотя сами-такие же двуногие,как и все!
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